
Exercise 6 ebooks and similar

I remember talking about ebooks in the mid 1990s. They seemed to hold such promise, sure there were problems, battery life was short, the screen flickered, there were few titles available, but this could all be overcome surely. Well ebooks flared briefly and then appeared to disappear for a decade. Now they are back, last year's Sony ebook reader, this year's Kindle. Old problems have been sorted, new ones introduced - mainly around the ergonomics of use, the ability to riffle throgh the text, to jump backwards and forwards, however, these are minor matters. The single main advantage as I see it is the ability to be able to increase the size of the font. In one swoop opening up the entire world of literature to those condemned to use large print.Those who say "I will never read off a computer screen" miss the point and confuse the medium with the message, reading is reading. Look at the rows of books marching endlessly into the distance in the library. What will the view be like in 5 years time, probably not much different, but who would be brave enough to forecast that look in 10 years time. Tomorrow, Monday 15th Sept the firm Plastic Logic will release its E-Newspaper, a light weight plastic screen. We are living through the beginning of yet another revolution, one that will utterly change the way we provide our service, but will enhance the way we work with our customers.

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

Your're going to find #20 a doddle!