

Librarywise I think this site could have great application and could ally itself nicely next to The Fitch. So far I have regarded the Web as a vast and getting vaster of uncorralled information. I am now beginning to see that this need not be so, and that it is possible to organise things in quite a succinct way. To create editable lists and groupings of information that can be shared or used for oneself. Here is my Rollyo collection of sites om last minute travel, a cheat because I simply gathered a few together from a Google search, but I can see myself working this into a useful list, a good place to keep well researched and useful sites. Much better than a paper list: http://www.rollyo.com/rainyday.day6/
The Rollyo site was interesting, I found the 4 lists mentioned in the instructions full of repititions and adverts for computer skills, very odd. However, deeper in there are some great lists EG Mr Fixit. I was startled to see some less mundane, shall we say, topics listed in the recent additions. Still it taks all sorts and it does demonstrate the breadth of people's interests.

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