
More RSS Feeding

An interesting exercise that may call me back at a later date - possibly. Bloglines search tool appeared to be a wonderfully, vaguely organised mish mash of info. Try searching uder antique silver or book reviews and the whole world opens at your feet, obviously one needs to be more specific, but there sure is a lot of rubbish out here. Do I feel tagging is going to be helpful here. SYNDIC8 says it is a community driven service. searching it leaves one dispearing of the community. It is like being lost in a wateland. 2002 - 2005 enteries are mainly syndicated, although some are awaiting repair. After that a rapid deterioration sets in, from 2006 onwards most sites are awaiting syndication or are polling. Presumably waiting for the community to get is collective vote sorted. The Internet is about Now! Syndicate proudly displays its 5 latest successes, one is about donkeys. depressing. Topix.net I found confusing and busy, and left it alone. Technorati looked promising and I played around with my RSS Feeds entry adding in "big daddy" to see if I could bring it up in a search, I found 35 entries, but mine, presumably no. 36 was not there. All in all informative, but for a while at least I will be feeding from single seleted sources I think.

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

These search engines are just some way of finding blogs and news web sites that are worth subscribing to. Another way of finding good sites is to look for those that are always mentioned in news media and web sites you visit regularly. Keep a look out for feeds on those sites.